International companies, choreographers and schools invite dancers to attend auditions during the festival. Calls for auditions are updated regularly.

With over 3,000 participants in the workshops and research projects, ImPulsTanz offers a perfect platform for auditions. Our services include international announcement and promotion of the audition as well as arranging, handling and holding the event. A spacious studio with sound system and/or piano and, if desired, a teacher or a répétiteur are also available.



20 July 2024, 10:00–16:00
Volksoper Probebühne
Severingasse 7, 1090 Vienna
Metro U6: Volksoper; Tram: 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 5: Spitalgasse

Ulduz Ahmadzadeh is looking for professional dancers to be part of the upcoming production Vashtan by ATASH عطش Contemporary Dance Company. The aim of the project is to explore the tension between ‘contemporary dance’ and the so-called ‘other’ traditional and folk dances of Southwest and Central Asia. The choreographic interest lies, among other things, in exploring and emphasising the dance affinities between the investigated movement materials and creating a hybrid dance aesthetic along a conceptual dramaturgical line.

The Cie are looking for responsible individuals who exude confidence, maturity and are willing to embark on a challenging and physically demanding journey with a dedicated team. Technical and rhythmic expertise, openness to experimentation, professional experience and a willingness to tour are required. 

Application deadline: 30.7.2024
Creation timeframe: 6.1.–29.3.2025

More information


21 July 2024, 9:00–17:00
Volksoper Probebühne
Severingasse 7, 1090 Vienna
Metro U6: Volksoper; Tram: 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 5: Spitalgasse

Marta Coronado is inviting young international dancers aged 18 to 23 who have finished their high school studies and wish to dedicate themselves to a professional career as dancers, choreographers or performers, to apply for TRY auditions. TRY is an international training and research programme in Lucca, Italy and takes place as an intensive one year programme to train in contemporary dance and movement practice with the possibility to stay a second year. 

In order to meet the main challenges of today’s art scene, a dancer needs to learn different technical styles to activate their creativity, discovering new tools of research but also getting to know themselves as human beings in a direct dialogue with the world today and with the future. TRY is designed to help dancers to understand their capacity to become independent and creative artist.

Starting: 16 September 2024
Concluding: 6 June 2025

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